My "Pasargadae Space"

I've wanted to craft a digital garden since my passion for computers first started back in 2018. My very own backyard on the Internet. For that purpose, I initially called this website a greenhouse. A place for me to cultivate and watch grow. Though, strongly influenced by my recent studies on literary modernism in Brazil, Manuel Bandeira's masterpiece, "Vou-me embora pra Pasárgada" (I'm leaving for Pasárgada), from his book Libertinagem popped into my head.

Πασαργάδες, Pasárgada, or Pasargadae defines exactly what I wanted my website to be. It's a symbol of an ideal place where one can escape reality and experience a world of creative expression and intellectual exploration.

Stay tuned as I continue to develop and share my journey towards turning this digital garden into the virtual Garden of Eden I envisioned.